日時 2017年6月25日(日) (2部入替制。各回30分前より受付開始) 13時~14時30分、14時30分~16時
内容 伝統的な漆塗りの技法「拭き漆(ふきうるし)」にチャレンジするワークショップ
場所 ものかたり(秋田県南秋田郡五城目町上町39)
対象 原則小学4年生〜6年生及び中学生(各回10名程度)
講師 島守宏和(しまもりひろかず)/津軽塗職人、ランドプロテクト代表
参加費 1,000円
Let’s Experience “Urushi” Lacquer! Fuki-urushi edition
Date: 13:00–16:00, Sunday, June 25, 2017
Contents: Using “Urushi” (raw lacquer), the children learned the traditional method of lacquering called “fuki-urushi” (wiped lacquer).
Venue: 39, Uwamachi, Gojome-machi Minamiakita-gun, Akita, 018-1705, Japan
Participation fee: JPY 1,000
Urushi provides simple protection from scratches and dirt, and it can help mend broken containers. It is a traditional lacquer, invented in the Jomon period, which can hold its own against modern chemical paints and lets us live richer lives. In this workshop, participants made their own wooden coasters using the traditional technique of “fuki-urushi,” by which the lacquer (urushi) is applied and then wiped off (fuki) repeatedly.
Wooden coasters made from Japanese horse chestnut and Japanese chestnut were prepared in advance. Before applying the lacquer, it had to be filtered to remove any impurities. The raw lacquer was placed on filter paper and wrapped like a candy, whereupon a participant would hold one end in their mouth and twist the other end between their fingers, forcing out the filtered lacquer in dollops. The filtered lacquer was mixed with turpentine to soften it, and then rubbed into the coasters using a cloth. After the first application, any extra lacquer was wiped off and the coating was allowed to dry, after which the second coat was applied.
The more coats a participant applied, the deeper the color became and the glossier the finish was. Because the lacquer is rubbed into the wooden coaster and excess is wiped off in this application technique, it is called “fuki-urushi” (wiped lacquer) or “suri-urushi” (rubbed lacquer).
The lacquer used in the workshop was natural lacquer, which can cause a rash if it comes into direct contact with the skin. At first the children handled it gingerly, but as they became accustomed to the work they were able to use the fuki-urushi technique very well.
Interestingly, drying (hardening) the lacquer requires moisture. This is because, unlike chemical paints, lacquer’s components bind with the moisture in the air and harden over time. The coasters made during the workshop were wrapped in damp towels, put in plastic bags, and allowed to harden for two weeks, after which they were complete. The children seemed very eager to use the fuki-urushi coasters they had crafted by themselves.