· Workshop

日時 2015年7月11日(土)~12日(日)10:30~16:30

内容 D.I.Y.キット「bento」の制作

場所 福島市民家園・旧馬場家(福島市上名倉字大石前地内あづま総合運動公園内)

対象 子どもとそのご家族 133名

講師 宮本武典

参加費 2,000円

協力 FOR座REST実行委員会、株式会社石巻工房

はじめての開催となった「D.I.Y. KIT PROGRAM」のワークショップは、2日間でおよそ140名の方がワークショップに参加、76 キットを販売しました。受付に立っていると「これがほしい」という声ではなく、「つくってみたい!」「つくりたい!」という子どもたちの声が多く聞こえてくるのが印象的でした。受付でキットを渡し、テントで箱を開け、木のパーツを見たときの子どもたちのわくわくした表情もこの2 日間でたくさん見ることができました。



2011年3月11日に発生した東日本大震災でライフラインがストップし、支援が来るまでの数日間を自分の力で生き延びなければならない状況下、私たちは「Do It Yourself」の大切さを痛感しました。 東北芸術工科大学東北復興支援機構TRSO と株式会社石巻工房と協同開発を行ったD.I.Y.キット「bento」は、ものづくりの工業化が進み、「つくりかた」が日常生活で見えにくくなるなかで、「自分で考える・つくる・なおす」D.I.Y.を、防災・減災にもつながるものづくりの精神として、子どもたちに伝えていくための体験型デザイン教材です。




Date: 10:30–16:30, Saturday, July 11, 2015 and Sunday, July 12, 2015

Contents: Making the "bento" DIY kit

Venue: Fukushima Folk House Park / Ex-residence of Baba family in the Azuma General Athletic Park, Oishimae Kaminagura, Fukushima, Fukushima

Target: Children and their family, 133 participants

Instructors: Takenori Miyamoto

Participation fee: JPY 2,000

Partners: FOR Za REST Committee, Ishinomaki Laboratory

After the Great East Japan Earthquake that shook the country, all essential utilities broke down, forcing us to survive independently for a number of days before support reached us. Under these dire conditions, we fully realized the importance of the "Do it yourself" principle.

The "bento" DIY kit is the result of cooperation between TRSO, a disaster recovery support organization at the Tohoku University of Art and Design and Ishinomaki Lab Inc. With industrialization ever advancing, it becomes harder and harder to see how things are made. "bento" is designed as a tool to teach children about the principles of DIY—to think independently, make and repair items. These qualities will help the children build tools that prevent or mitigate disasters.

About DIY KIT "bento"

There is no instruction booklet included in the "bento" DIY kit. Only an image of the finished kit on a leaflet, and "DIY points" allude to how to put it together. The thought process therefore starts with the basic question, "How do I put this together?" As a rule, the kit is not sold individually, since it is intended as a tool to foster communication with children.

This workshop was held at the Ishinomaki city and Fukushima city Minka-en. Standing at the reception, one could hear comments not along the lines of "I want this," but instead the children proclaimed, "I want to give this a try!" or "I want to build this!" Their motivation left a strong impression on us. After handing out the kits at the reception, the children took them to a separate tent. The expression on their faces when opening the box was full of excitement. It turned out to be a common sight. Staff stayed right by the children’s side, offering hints and explanations about the process. Thanks to their support, even the smaller children were able to finish putting together their kit. One of the participating children built his or her original furniture, holding it dearly after the workshop.

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