日時 2017 年11月21日(火)9時00分~12時00分
内容 宮城県石巻市雄勝町の産業と観光の振興を目的とした「雄勝のCM」づくりワークショップ
場所 石巻市立雄勝小学校(宮城県石巻市雄勝大浜字小滝浜2番地2)
対象 小学5年生~6年生(10名)
講師 三浦誠(株式会社ルドルフ)
こども達と活動を続ける中で、「雄勝町の良さをもっと多くの人に知ってもらいたい。」、「雄勝町にもっと多くの人が来て欲しい。」といった声がたびたび聞かれるようになりました。そして、2016年2月に旧雄勝小学校で開催された「生活・総合発表会」では、当時のこども芸術カンパニー「OGATSU 7」から、CMづくりの提案がなされました。
2017年度、新雄勝小学校5~6年生10名による、こども芸術カンパニー「OGATSU X」が、その思いを受け継ぎ、雄勝町の産業と観光の振興を目的とした、「雄勝のCM」づくりをおこないます。
今回は、前回制作したBGMつきの動画に、OGATSU Xの10人それぞれがナレーションを付けていきます。
Children’s Art Company OGATSU X: Ogatsu Commercial #4 (narration)
Date: 10:00–12:00, Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Contents: Recording the narration for the Ogatsu commercial.
Venue: Azakotakihama2-2, Ogatsucho Ohama, Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi, 986-1302, Japan
Target: Elementary school fifth grade to sixth grade
Instructors: Makoto Miura(RUDOLF)
In the fourth installment of OGATSU X's commercial project, each group member recorded their own narration for the video they had all created together.
At first, there was the issue of everyone's narrations being very similar to one another, as they all simply explained what was happening in the video. With the advice of Mr. Miura, each person tried to express the feelings they had for their hometown in their own words.
With their narration scripts in hand, each member recorded their version in a soundproof studio. As each person anxiously finished their recording, they put a hand to their chest in relief and turned to support the next narrator. As this was going on, two members who had finished their recording seemed to be having a meeting in the corner of the room. Then they came to Mr. Miura and asked for another chance at recording. They both had extemporaneously come up with a manzai commercial introducing Ogatsu's appeal and the Shell Plates they had made.
Just as Mr. Miura had advised them in their first workshop, "there is no correct answer in film; you should make your own commercial from your own perspective," OGATSU X had created 11 Ogatsu commercials bursting with each person's own personality.
The Ogatsu commercials were first made public on December 2, 2017, at the Shell Plate sales experience fair held at Michi no Eki – Joubon no Sato in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. The videos are currently available to the public on the Art Village for Children's YouTube channel (こども芸術の村).